Morning Joe & The Fruitcake Man

This morning on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Rudy Giuliani's new Christmas ad "Same Gift" was treated to a royal razzing by Scarborough, Geist, and Brzezinsk

This morning on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Rudy Giuliani's new Christmas ad "Same Gift" was treated to a royal razzing by Scarborough, Geist, and Brzezinski, not once but twice, so incredulous were they at what they were seeing. "It must be a spoof"..."This can't be serious"..."That was actually an SNL sketch. Do we have the real ad?" No such luck.

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Giuliani: ...and probably a fruit cake or something.

Q: A fruit cake?

Giuliani: What? It'll be a really nice fruit cake with a big red bow on it. Or something like that.

And you know things are bad when Mike Huckabee can come on, from his own odious Christmas ad of a few days earlier and mock Giuliani. At least Huckabee didn't descend into self-parody.

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