Culture Warrior Huckabee Saw A Lot Of Enemies
It’s been days since we learned about another intemperate, intolerant remark from Mike Huckabee before he became a presidential candidate, so I sup
David Corn took a look at a book Huckabee wrote as governor in 1998, called “Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence,” and found a “fierce culture warrior.” Among the “cultural conflicts” Huckabee descried:
Abortion, environmentalism, AIDS, pornography, drug abuse, and homosexual activism have fragmented and polarized our communities.
A few pages later, the reader learns:
It is now difficult to keep track of the vast array of publicly endorsed and institutionally supported aberrations — from homosexuality and pedophilia to sadomasochism and necrophilia.
Huckabee's book went on to denounce no-fault divorce, women’s equality in the workforce, and these perceived social ills:
The legal commitment of ideological secularism to any and all of the fanatically twisted fringes of American culture — pornographers, gay activists, abortionists, and other professional liberationists — is a pathetically self-defeating crusade that has confused liberty with license.
Remember, this is the same guy who pledged to "bring this country back together" at the last GOP debate.