Joe Lieberman ♥'s John McCain: The Myth Of Holy Joe's Endorsement
MyDD: The McCain campaign blasted an email from none other than CT's own Joe Lieberman today. In it Lieberman explains his endorsement of John McCai
The McCain campaign blasted an email from none other than CT's own Joe Lieberman today. In it Lieberman explains his endorsement of John McCain calling him "no ordinary candidate." If the email sounds familiar that's because this is nothing more than Joe Lieberman's best hits: digitally remastered and compiled on a three disc set for a bargain price. Call now!
For example:
In this critical election, no one should let party lines be a barrier to choosing the person we believe is best qualified to lead our nation forward. The problems that confront us are too great, the threats we face too real, and the opportunities we have too exciting for us to play partisan politics with the Presidency.
When others were silent, and it was thought politically unpopular, John had the courage and common sense to sound the alarm about the mistakes we were making in Iraq and to call for more troops and a new strategy there. And when others wavered, when others wanted to retreat from the field of battle, John had the courage and the common sense to stand against the tide of public opinion and support the surge in Iraq, where we are at last winning.
Unity, bipartisanship, courage: staples of the Joe Lieberman myth. Lieberman's support will surely mean an influx of Independent support for John McCain, right? But it turns out that the Independent support is also part of the mythology.
According to the NY Daily News, Lieberman's endorsement is helping McCain win over conservatives and not Independents. Read on...