New Year's Eve Open Thread

The Golden Monkeyfist Awards are up. Monkeyfister his own self points out: These awards are given to recognize smaller, unsung bloggers who are givi

Golden Monkeyfist Award… The Golden Monkeyfist Awards are up. Monkeyfister his own self points out:

These awards are given to recognize smaller, unsung bloggers who are giving their all to stop the lies of the Right Wing Machine-- thus the graphic of the fist choking the Flying "Morans!" Monkey in mid-flight. These people are DOING IT-- Locally, on a small scale, within their communities, no budget, and one-on-one. And they are succeeding. This is my way of recognizing them, and their efforts.

The great thing about these awards is they are for small blogs and are nominated BY those who write small blogs. Congratulations to Blue Girl, Red State (no relation), winner of The True Golden Monkeyfist: for most exemplifying the spirit of living in a state, in a district where there is no Democratic Representation. And you might just recognize the winner of The Au Peer Award, voted by the bloggers themselves as best of the best. Congratulations, Driftglass. And congratulations to Monkeyfister for holding a 2007 award ceremony which completely avoided an embarrassing number by anyone named Britney.

Happy New Year from all of us at Crooks and Liars.

Open Thread below, and don't forget the New Year's Resolution Open Thread here....

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