Why We Fight--Gilliard At His Best
The recent NY Times article on the late, great Steve Gilliard made fresh for me the loss that I (and many others) feel over his silenced voice. At his
The recent NY Times article on the late, great Steve Gilliard made fresh for me the loss that I (and many others) feel over his silenced voice. At his best, Gilly was ferocious and challenging (though John Amato through his calls with him tells me that he was a sweetheart in real life; I never got the particular pleasure of speaking to him on the phone). I've spent a lot of time looking over various blog posts about Gilly this weekend and this link by "truth" at FDL came flooding back for me just how much Steve Gilliard could incite such emotions. It was this post that I read that dark day in November 2004 when I realized we would be forced to endure another four years of George W. Bush & Co. So on this eve of a new year, just days away from the onset of the primary season to select the new president, I want you to read (or re-read) Gilly's words of The Fighting Liberal:
You know, I've studied history, I've read about America and you know something, if it weren't for liberals, we'd be living in a dark, evil country, far worse than anything Bush could conjure up. A world where children were told to piss on the side of the road because they weren't fit to pee in a white outhouse, where women had to get back alley abortions and where rape was a joke, unless the alleged criminal was black, whereupon he was hung from a tree and castrated.
What has conservatism given America? A stable social order? A peaceful homelife? Respect for law and order? No. Hell, no. It hasn't given us anything we didn't have and it wants to take away our freedoms.
The Founding Fathers, as flawed as they were, slaveowners and pornographers, smugglers and terrorists, understood one thing, a man's path to God needed no help from the state. Is the religion of these conservatives so fragile that they need the state to prop it up, to tell us how to pray and think? Is that what they stand for? Is that their America?
Conservatism plays on fear and thrives on lies and dishonesty. I grew up with honest, decent conservatives and those people have been replaced by the party of greed. It is one thing to want less government interference and smaller, fiscally responsible government. It is another thing entirely to be a corporate whore, selling out to the highest bidder because the CEO fattens your campaign chest. They are building an America which cannot be sustained. One based on the benefit of the few at the cost of the many. The indifferent boss who hires too few people and works them to death or until they break down sick. Cheap labor capitalism has replaced common sense. "Globalism" which is really guise for exploitation, replaced fair trade, which is nothing like fair for the trapped semi-slaves of the maquliadoras. In the Texas border towns, hundreds of these women have been used as sex slaves and then apparently killed,the FBI powerless to do anything as the criminals sit in Mexico untouched by law.For the better part of a decade, the conservatives made liberal a dirty word. Well, it isn't. It represents the best and most noble nature of what America stands for: equitable government services, old age pensions, health care, education, fair trials and humane imprisonment. It is the heart and soul of what made American different and better than other countries. Not only an escape from oppression, but the opportunity to thrive in land free of tradition and the repression that can bring. We offered a democracy which didn't enshrine the rich and made them feel they had an obligation to their workers.
RIP, Gilly. And f*ck the f*cking Yankees! (sorry, Amato)