Mike's Blog Roundup
Inside Iraq: About a year ago, the McClatchy news bureau set up this blog exclusively for contributions from its Iraqi staff. "It's an opportunity for
Inside Iraq: About a year ago, the McClatchy news bureau set up this blog exclusively for contributions from its Iraqi staff. "It's an opportunity for Iraqis to talk directly to an American audience."
Vagabond Scholar: While there is much to like about the film, Charlie Wilson's War, there are some rather serious omissions.
Daily Howler: If you’re a Democrat, and a woman—and if you’re married—Maureen Dowd doesn't like you too much.
The Brad Blog: America's voting rolls are a disaster. Millions have been inappropriately purged
Seeing the Forest: On corporate power...
OFF THE BEATEN PATH: The Angry Black Woman, Stephen Views the News, Bloggasm, Last Left Turn Before Hooterville