Congratulations To "The Most Annoying Liberals Of 2007"
We at Crooks and Liars are deeply disappointed that no one here made the cut. We can't even say it was an honor to be nominated, so we don't have to
We at Crooks and Liars are deeply disappointed that no one here made the cut. We can't even say it was an honor to be nominated, so we don't have to applaud sweetly when Daily Kos (number 9) and Huffpo (number 14) waltz up and accept their statuettes. But we can't stop scratching our heads over the inclusion of Chris Matthews (13) and Geraldo Rivera (12). They're annoying, fer sure, but liberal? WTF?
The good news is Hillary Clinton gets to finish first someplace.
In even more news that will make Jane Fonda cry, Human Events Dot Com ["Leading the Conservative Movement since 1944" -- there was a dot com in 1944?] has named Rush Limbaugh their Man of the Year. I guess he'll be around to carry their water for a little bit longer.