Dick Morris On FOXNews: Hillary Clinton "Not Above Using Race" To Beat Obama
[media id=3811] [media id=3812] Sunday night after the FOXNews GOP debate in New Hampshire, former Clinton advisor, Dick Morris, joined Sean Hannit
Sunday night after the FOXNews GOP debate in New Hampshire, former Clinton advisor, Dick Morris, joined Sean Hannity for a hearty round of Hillary bashing. It's not unusual to hear this kind of drivel at Fox, but Morris was particularly nasty and unhinged in this segment. He's convinced that not only is Clinton going make a "dirty comeback" in the weeks to come, she's going to use Bill Clinton's "Sistah Souljah" tactics, and use veiled racial comments in order to win. Shameless.
Morris: "I think what she's going to do is take a page from Bill's playbook in 1992 when he was facing Jesse Jackson going into the New York primary. From out of nowhere, he seized on an episode with Sistah Souljah, who is a black rapper who apparently had dissed the National Anthem. And he attacked her, and the whole point was to use race as an issue against Jesse Jackson -- which succeeded and he carried New York by a very large margin. And I think that what she's going to do is she's going to say, Obama's unelectable, Americans won't elect him, he can't beat the Republican party, America's not ready for Obama and what - he doesn't have the experience to win. And what she's going to mean is that they won't vote for an African American, but she won't say it. She'll say everything but, but that's what she means. And we'll see if that works, I hope it doesn't."