FOX NH GOP Debate: Mitt Vs. Huck
[media id=3817] [media id=3818] (h/t David) Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney must be feeling very nervous going into the New Hampshire
Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney must be feeling very nervous going into the New Hampshire primary. First he lost to Huckabee in Iowa after outspending him by a significant margin, and now he is falling in the polls in NH as Huckabee is rising as well, though McCain still leads both. Clearly feeling a little feisty, Mitt decided to wrest control of the debate from moderator Chris Wallace and go on the attack over the great Republican bogeyman of taxation. Not sure that Romney actually did as well as he would hope because Huckster did get in a good dig right back:
MR: Now let me go back to the question that I’ve asked you, that you’ve refused to answer three times: did you raise taxes—net—in Arkansas by $500 million dollars?
MH: By a court order that said we had to improve education…maybe, maybe you don’t have to obey the court in Massachusetts. I did in Arkansas. And you know something? Education is a good thing for kids….
MR: I agree..
MH: …because kids like me wouldn’t be sitting here if it weren’t for education.
CW: Perhaps I should break in here. This reminds me of Admiral Stockdale, who asked ‘who am I?’ and ‘why am I here?’…
For what it's worth, at the Iowa debates the previous night, there was almost unilateral disapproval when the candidates took personal shots at one another. Ah heck, what does it matter? At least Mitt looked good.