Mike's Blog Roundup

Betsy's Page: SCOTUS to hear challenges to 'Millionaire's Exemption' to Campaign Finance Reform Oliver Willis: A pattern emerges... ANNALS OF JOURNA

Betsy's Page: SCOTUS to hear challenges to 'Millionaire's Exemption' to Campaign Finance Reform

Oliver Willis: A pattern emerges...

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Merchants of Trivia, Political discourse turned into novels by useless hacks , but even novelists can't stand it, NPR watchdawg has had enough for now--we'll miss him, Brits get in on the act

The Satirical Political Report: Rush's "dittoheads" bussed in from the skull ranch.

HOLY CRAP: Senator's inquiry into Mega-Church Money hypocrisy sparks church/state showdown...Nevada caucus is cruel to observant Jews...There is a strong chance that there was a great deal of illegal preaching by tax-exempt pastors in Iowa before ths caucuses...Huck is the gift that keeps on giving...

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