Pigeonholing Evangelicals -- Again

Good point from our friends at Faith in Public Life: They did it again! Just as in Iowa, Tuesday’s media-sponsored Election Day poll failed to ask

Good point from our friends at Faith in Public Life:

They did it again! Just as in Iowa, Tuesday’s media-sponsored Election Day poll failed to ask Democrats in New Hampshire if they were evangelical. Voters from both parties were asked about their church attendance and if they were Protestant, Catholic, Mormon, Other Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Something else, or None. But only Republicans were asked if they were born-again or evangelical Christian. [...]

Asking only Republicans about their religion shows that the media is still stuck on the outdated and false notion that evangelical Christians are the GOP's political property. No party can own any faith. Evangelicals have broadened their agenda to include care for the planet, the poor and the stranger, and as a result are increasingly independent politically. Exit polls need to abandon the hidebound frames of the culture war -- evangelicals already have.

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