Romney's 'Unemployed Single Mom' Photo-Op Fakery
Politico: A well-publicized weekend photo-op for Mitt Romney turns out to have been missing a piece of information that might have undermined its c
A well-publicized weekend photo-op for Mitt Romney turns out to have been missing a piece of information that might have undermined its credibility: the unemployed single mom at the center of the event was the mother of a Romney staffer. ...
After all of the fuss the media and the rightwingnutosphere made over Sen Clinton's campaign coaching a questioner in Iowa, I wonder how much attention this will get? I don't know about you but if you ask me this seems all-too reminiscent of Bush's fake photo-ops, fake WMD evidence, fake Iraq news stories, phony pressers, and fake town hall meetings so he could "catapult the propaganda." Does America really want to go down that road again?