Fox & Friends: Keith Olbermann Runs MSNBC!

[media id=3927] [media id=3928] You know you're doing something right when FOXNews attacks you and apparently, Keith Olbermann's recent ratings boo

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You know you're doing something right when FOXNews attacks you and apparently, Keith Olbermann's recent ratings boom has them scared to death. Keith makes a point of raking FOXNews and their talking heads over the coals for their lies, propaganda and shoddy "journalism," and now they're going after him personally.The nutty gang on Fox & Friends were positively shocked this morning at a recent interview Olbermann gave to Men's Journal in which the interviewer quotes an unnamed MSNBC executive as saying that due to his ratings boom, Keith Olbermann is now running the network.

It's safe to assume it was a figure of speech, but the Fox morning crew, in an attempt to create a faux scandal, twisted the story around to give the impression that Keith actually runs the news departments for both NBC and MSNBC -- and that Countdown is an partisan, opinion show, not a news show therefore, it's unethical for him to run a news department. Why, you ask, is this so? Because FOX has people like Sean Hannity on their network who also does an opinion show, but he's never been a part of their real "news" programs. I hate to break it to them, but it doesn't matter who's mouth it comes out of, nobody considers anything aired on FOXNews to be real news.

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