Florida GOP Debate: Huckabee Suggests Saddam's WMDs Are In Jordan
This is exactly why things that should not need to be debated anymore continue to be debated. Because no matter how many facts you place in front of R
This is exactly why things that should not need to be debated anymore continue to be debated. Because no matter how many facts you place in front of Republicans, no matter how many studies are done by bipartisan panels, no matter how many White House talking points you prove are lies, they remain intractable and hold on to their false memes and then keep adding to it.
Case in point: Mike Huckabee. When asked by MSNBC's Chris Matthews if he could still justify going into Iraq on the basis of WMDs not yet found, the Huckster finds a way to insult one of our few remaining allies in the region:
Matthews: Well, do you believe that there was WMDs in Iraq that hasn’t been found that would have justified the war had we discovered it?
Huckabee: I think it’s more likely that the WMDs—that we know that he at one time had—he used weapons against the Kurds—good chance they went to Jordan. We don’t know where they are. But the point is there was every reason to believe that they were there at the time. And it wasn’t just the President or the Republicans who believed that and who acted upon it. It was the Democrats as well. I think for now for people to say, ‘well, we didn’t find them,’ no, that we didn’t. But the other side of that is we’re there. Let’s not make a situation worse by pulling out and leaving Iraq in a very unstable situation and having it erupt throughout the Middle East and giving al Qaida a base and really betraying the trust that many Iraqi peole have put in us because they have believed we would not abandon them and leave them to the slaughter that they would likely be subject to.
Argh. How many talking points did you count in that statement? You gotta love the defense of "But the Democrats!" too. Someone has been advised by Ari Fleischer. I'm just sayin'...