Mike's Blog Roundup

David Seaton's News Links: The present election campaign demonstrates that powerful forces in the Washington political and foreign policy communities,

David Seaton's News Links: The present election campaign demonstrates that powerful forces in the Washington political and foreign policy communities, reinforced by financial and industrial interests, are committed to suppressing all challenge to policies that already have altered the political character of the United States.

The Pump Handle: Another censored environmental report (Arctic Drilling Edition)

sardonic sideshow: The Hillary Standard

The Heretik: Do not be alarmed. Your government is busy keeping you safe.

FAIR: White Supremacist spin at USA Today

Papamoka Straight Talk: There's probably no one who knows more about war profiteers in Iraq-- outside of Cheney and the folks at Halliburton and KBR-- than Alan Grayson, an attorney prosecuting numerous war profiteering cases.

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