Live Blogging The SC Primary / Primary Open Thread
Brave New Films and TYT will be live blogging the SC Primary and will have guests from the blogosphere to discuss, including our very own John Amato.
Brave New Films and TYT will be live blogging the SC Primary and will have guests from the blogosphere to discuss, including our very own John Amato.
Here's the line up (all times in Eastern)
6:10 Nico Pitney, The Huffington Post
6:30 Steve Rosenfeld, Alternet
6:50 Christy Hardin Smith, Firedoglake
7:00 Melody Barnes, CAP Action Fund
7:10 Joe Garofoli, San Francisco Chronicle
7:20 Anthony Palmer, The 7-10
7:40 Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, Multiplicative Identity
8:00 Kristina Wilfore, Ballot Initiative Strategy Ctr
8:20 Oliver Willis,
8:40 Zack Exley, Revolution in Jesusland
9:00 Andrew Rasiej, Personal Democracy Forum
9:10 John Amato, Crooks & Liars
9:30 Pam Spaulding, Pam's House Blend
Below is your very own South Carolina Primary open thread....