McCain Calls For More Conservative Judges As Lieberman Looks On Lovingly

AmericaBlog: Tonight on ABC News, we learned that today John McCain is again appealing to the right wingers in the GOP. Look who appears over McCai


Tonight on ABC News, we learned that today John McCain is again appealing to the right wingers in the GOP. Look who appears over McCain's shoulder as he says, "I will appoint judges that strictly interpret the constitution of the United States of America and do not legislate from the bench." (That's code for McCain appointing anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-stem cell, anti-privacy, anti-civil rights far-right activist judges.)

So, who is looking over McCain's shoulder as he calls for right-wing judges? Joe Lieberman.

In point of fact, though this video doesn't show it, witnesses say that Holy Joe was clapping enthusiastically after that statement. Whereas we know that the Senate leadership is loathe to spank their fair weather friend, the Connecticut Democratic party had a few choice words for Lieberman:

I continue to be disappointed beyond words with Joe Lieberman, as are a lot of Connecticut Democrats -- saddened, surprised, and truly disheartened by just how completely he has abandoned the Democratic principles that have guided him over the years and the Party whose members have supported him and helped him achieve his goals. As recently as 18 months ago, Senator Lieberman was telling us Democrats that he shares our values, and with the exception of Iraq, that he agrees with us on the issues we care so much about -- critically important issues like a woman’s right to choose, tax and economic policies, healthcare and education. Moreover, in July of 2006, Senator Lieberman even stated that he intended to work to help a Democrat get into the White House in 2008. His endorsement of Senator McCain means he either doesn’t care about the issues noted above, or he’s putting politics ahead of people.

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