Mike's Blog Roundup
Monkeyfister: While waiting for G-Dub's promised prayers to roll down to the tornado-stricken Mid-South, MF has some more practical suggestions for th
Monkeyfister: While waiting for G-Dub's promised prayers to roll down to the tornado-stricken Mid-South, MF has some more practical suggestions for those who'd like to provide some human aid.
State of the Day: Super Tuesday's alternative storyline
Our Future: Mythbusting Canadian Health Care: -- Part 1
Collateral News: Cablegate
Beat the Press: Let's give the Banks lots of money
HOLY CRAP: Do you support separation of chiurch and state and religious liberty? ..The third and, God willing, final edition of 10 Moments in Mike Huckabee's Extremism..."God's Profits" at stake, Televangelist Copeland vows to fight Senate tax probe...A weird hermit, writing about his visions in a cave one hundred years after the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, will sway a lot of Republican voters this year...Our congress takes care of the IMPORTANT stuff...A certain "dangerous cult" recently Google bombed...Church of Reality...Admitting you have no religion is not politically correct...Plain religious stupidity