Mike's Blog Roundup

Shakesville: Teenz Corner: Dem Younginz S E N A T U S: Daily coverage of the United States Senate (h/t Swim Girl) Democracy Now! The 9/11 Commission

Shakesville: Teenz Corner: Dem Younginz

S E N A T U S: Daily coverage of the United States Senate (h/t Swim Girl)

Democracy Now! The 9/11 Commission and Torture: How information gained through waterboarding and harsh interrogations form a major part of the Commission's report.

Corrente: Let's not forget what real racism looks like, shall we?

Crooked Timber: I think we have a winner.

The BRAD BLOG: Legal challenges loom in LA County, as hundreds of thousands of Super Tuesday votes may not be counted due to maddeningly confusing ballot design procedures.

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