Mike's Blog Roundup
Iraq Today: News and Views Opinions You Should Have: Romney to spend more time with his money p m carpenter's commentary: An electorate in the wilde
Iraq Today: News and Views
Opinions You Should Have: Romney to spend more time with his money
p m carpenter's commentary: An electorate in the wilderness?
Jim Hightower: Beware of corporate "heroes"
Sunday Bookchat: The War on Terror's perversion of medicine. Jonahan Chait's distortion of Free Lunch. Science's defense of evolution. And lots more.
HOLY CRAP: Jesus 2.0 has arrived...Religion Dispatches...Eat, Pray, Loathe...Bush still trying to force taxpayers to fund private religious schools...Waterboarding for God...Bush's last budget is a National Moral Disgrace...The FundamentaList...The Coming Persecution...Sharia Law for the U.K.?...Spanish Bishops give new meaning to the "Bully" Pulpit...Murder in the name of some kind of God...More B.S. about God and Politics