Sorry, Candidates: Waterboarding Works!

So sayeth the bard of FOXNews, Bill O'Reilly: My question is: What will the presidential candidates do about [al Qaeda gaining strength and presenc

So sayeth the bard of FOXNews, Bill O'Reilly:

My question is: What will the presidential candidates do about [al Qaeda gaining strength and presence in Pakistan] and about the interrogation of captured terror suspects?

John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama all say “waterboarding” is torture and should be outlawed. So let’s assume it will be after President Bush leaves office. Let’s also assume that most captured terrorists will not give up their comrades under standard Geneva Convention interrogation methods.

Who wins under that scenario? Well, it looks like the terrorists do, right? With “waterboarding” out and chatting in, the bad guys have one less thing to worry about. Do you feel safer knowing name, rank and jihad number are all that’s required of a captured al-Qaeda terrorist?

Baby Jesus wept, Bill. It's so sad to know someone so clueless on every level is given a national platform to display that cluelessness again and again. As John pointed out to me this morning, the Boston Herald is a pretty conservative paper and even their readership is excoriating O'Reilly for this one. Read the comments to see.

So Bill, are you suggesting that Robert Fisk, who is in a position to know better than some loudmouthed television personality, is wrong?

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