Countdown's Worst Person In The World
[media id=4272] [media id=4273] (h/t Heather) Perpetual Worst Person Bill O'Reilly downgrades to the bronze on Friday's edition of Worst Person in
Perpetual Worst Person Bill O'Reilly downgrades to the bronze on Friday's edition of Worst Person in the World for his rather tired and mindless water-carrying of the GOP framing that Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama is big on pretty words and light on substance. *Yawn* You know, it might be a little more persuasive if 1) the substantive issues weren't available with a couple of clicks on his campaign website; and 2) the entire GOP and their official propaganda office, FOXNews, hadn't been defending the biggest "all hat, no cattle" president this country has ever seen for the last eight years. I'm just sayin'...
The silver goes to the New England Patriots, with the news that Sen. Arlen Specter is going to proceed with the investigation of the Spygate scandal, which as Keith Olbermann says, if true, will make the whole baseball doping scandals small peanuts indeed.
And finally, the gold goes to Jeff Hunt, Director of the Military Forces Museum on Camp Mabry, Texas. Apparently, Mr. Hunt felt that a diorama created by high schoolers was lacking in accuracy. His solution? Destruction, naturally. Way to instill a love of learning in these kids, Hunt.