At What Price The Quest?
Lower Manhattanite at GroupNewsBlog looks at the dangerously Gollum-like quest for the presidency by John McCain: John McCain—as the quest-twisted
John McCain—as the quest-twisted Gollum from “Lord Of The Rings”. He is the GOP's champion. Their standard-bearer. This time-and-disrespect gnarled man who the very pursuit of the “golden ring” of a collective, national pat on the back has grossly disfigured.
Not externally disfigured...but soul-deep. Heart-deep. Core-deep.
When a person allows his sense of values—hard-core right and wrong to be so eroded that it is but a chip to be tossed onto the pile in trade for prestige...when a person will push his self-respect across the table and cheaply barter it for a chance at something he doesn't need, but his ego craves—you are dealing with a dangerously flawed individual.
Let's look at him again...John McCain. Read on...
Jane at FDL looks at the fawning coverage that has already started on McCain that ignore his completely incoherent narratives.