Countdown's Bushed!: Lying Liars Edition
[media id=4312] [media id=4313] (h/t Heather) Actually, most of these Bushed! segments are about lying liars, aren't they? Continuing to track the
Actually, most of these Bushed! segments are about lying liars, aren't they? Continuing to track the scandals du jour that make up life in BushWorld, the first story up is Bush's touting of his increases to his global fund to fight AIDS, TB and malaria. The only problem is that the "increase" that Bush wants Congress to approve is actually a 40% decrease from last year's Congressional-instigated funding.
Then there is the story of the infamous border fence being built along the US / Mexico border, ostensibly to prevent illegal immigration. Many residents near the border have been grumbling about the fence going through their land, but there's one Texas resident that isn't worried at all, because the border fence will stop at his property: R. L. Hunt. I'm sure the fact that he's a oil billionaire, who not only donated money to the Bush campaigns but also helped fund the upcoming presidential library and sits on the board for Halliburton had nothing to do with it.
And finally, there's good ol' Alberto Gonzales, whose entire tenure is one long Bushed! segment. In an interview for Washington University's school paper, Gonzales redlined the irony meter with this quote:
AG: When asked how I believe history may judge my tenure at the Justice Department, I say that such matters are out of my control. Life is not about yesterday. With so much work to do for our country, I intend to look forward. It will take years for the entire story to be told. … I take comfort in the fact that I have always told the truth, worked hard as my father did, stayed true to my values by doing my best, and having stepped into the arena, I have served my country.
Hmmm....I'm guessing that the hundreds of protesters that showed up for his speech at Washington University probably took a different view of Gonzales' honesty.