GOP's FISA Thriller: 3, .. 2, .. 1 .. We're All Going To Die

And it will be all the House Democrats' fault, or so this video attempting to scare the crap out of you posted over at portends. (h/t Wonkett

And it will be all the House Democrats' fault, or so this video attempting to scare the crap out of you posted over at portends. (h/t Wonkette)

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I have no idea why they didn't go with a mushroom cloud at the end. A sequel in the works, perhaps? It's a good thing they didn't shoot for the "based on a true story" intro, because the part about it really being the fault of the Republicans refusing to negotiate on their insistence on covering up Bush's crimes by protecting the telecoms who enabled him - That would have really detracted from that whole 'terror/panic/Democrats-fault' theme.

All the GOP has left is the fear card, and that sucker is wore slam out. Bush's trusty Supreme Court has already seen fit to throw up a firewall for the telecoms, so why is it the Republicans are still insisting on holding up the FISA bill? It's because the Republican Party will do anything they can to keep whatever secrets are hidden in those NSA spy rooms from ever incriminating their President, even if it does mean putting our country at more risk to do so. That's why.

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