The RNC Keeps Sending Rachel Maddow Email Looking For Cash

[media id=4336] [media id=4337] (h/t Heather) The Republican National Committee obviously saw last night's Democratic Debate as a fundraising oppor

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The Republican National Committee obviously saw last night's Democratic Debate as a fundraising opportunity-- a big fundraising opportunity. Judging by the no less than SIX fundraising emails they sent to Air America's Rachel Maddow during the debate, they also saw it as a chance to start framing the race between their candidate and the presumptive Democratic candidate: Barack Obama. That's right. The RNC even took a break from their Hillary-hate, honed razor-sharp after 16 years, to attribute something Clinton said to Obama. Can you call that progress?

Transcripts below the fold...

Olbermann: Rachel, this idea that we may have seen something in a sea change in terms of who's the Democratic leader that had nothing to do with the Democratic party but rather with the RNC, the Republicans and email?

Maddow: The Republican National Committee was very busy from very early on in this debate sending out email after email after email after email just ripping Barack Obama for comments that he made during the debate and I saw at least six in a row that were all about Barack Obama. That were not about Hillary Clinton at all. They were so eager to attack Barack Obama in fact that when I was reading through these that I was getting from them, I started, something struck me wrong and I went back and checked the transcripts and in fact I figured out that they attacked Barack Obama. They actually sent out an email attacking Barack Obama by name for saying something about Cuba in this debate that was actually said by Hillary Clinton. You talk about unifying the Democrats. Ah they're so eager apparently to go after him they're willing to attack him for the stuff that Hillary said.

Olbermann: He is the nominee presumptive from the Republican point of view do you think, Pat?

Buchanan: Uh, he sure is and if the RNC has got enough money to be sending emails-- six of them to Rachel Maddow-- they've got a real problem.

Maddow: I'm cheap....I'm cheap.....

Buchanan: They don't send me anything.

Olbermann: Let's dive back into some of the substance, although it's a wonderful point. Perhaps you need to call somebody, Pat. You're not spending your dollars right here...uh..

Maddow: I'll set you up an account'll be fine...Pat Buchanan at Air America...

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