George Bush Attacks John McCain On Lobbyist Ties In 2000

(h/t Billw) The right has been going nuts over the McCain lobbyist scandal and how evil the New York Times is, but thanks to the DemRapidResponse Ch

(h/t Billw)

The right has been going nuts over the McCain lobbyist scandal and how evil the New York Times is, but thanks to the DemRapidResponse Channel on YouTube, who dug up some CNN clips from the 2000 presidential campaign, we are reminded that George W. Bush went after John McCain for the very same issue that he and the GOP are now attacking the Times for in 2008 -- lobbyists.

Bush, using a 2000 Wall Street Journal article on McCain's lobbyist ties, attacks him for being a D.C. insider, flying on corporate jets and taking big money from lobbyists in return for favors. And it bears repeating -- Drudge ran with this story months before the New York Times. Maybe it's time for the president and the right wing pundits and politicians to dial back the indignation?

BUSH: "It's important on campaign funding reform that we have campaign funding reform. But it's also important for people to know that my friend is raising money from people who have business in front of his committee. Nothing illegal about that, but I just want to make sure the facts are laid bare."

BUSH: "What I need to do is make it clear and not let Senator McCain get away with this Washington double-talk."

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