CQ Reports On Blogosphere Campaign Against Media Bias Of AP's Nedra Pickler

I believe in the democratizing power of the internet. Every week I bring to your attention various campaigns going on at the grassroots level and enco

I believe in the democratizing power of the internet. Every week I bring to your attention various campaigns going on at the grassroots level and encourage involvement and activism. It may not always achieve the results we seek as quickly as we'd like, but here's a story that John mentioned earlier that proves that your activism does get noticed and does make an impact.

Congressional Quarterly:

Firedoglake's Jane Hamsher has launched an email campaign directed to local and national newspapers against the Associated Press' Nedra Pickler, for her recent story documenting conservative attacks questioning Barack Obama's patriotism. Ultimately, I think Pickler's story was one worth reporting, but as TPM notes, the first source in her story is Roger Stone, a disgraced former GOP strategist who has been in the news lately for less-than-savory antics. It's also not the first time liberal bloggers have turned their sights on Pickler.

Hamsher opens by saying:

It was pretty much world-record speed with which the smears against Barack Obama's patriotism alley-ooped from the right wing attack machine into the pages of legitimate media, neatly laundered into the AP by Nedra Pickler.

Way to go, Jane! She told me that there was an astounding 12,000 letters sent to 620 newspapers in all 50 states. Amazing work. Think that doesn't get noticed? Christy continues:

Successful pushback means we need to cover every base, not just the prominant ones, so we are asking you for a little more help today. If you haven't yet written letters -- especially if you live in OH, PA, FL, NM, CO...pretty much any swing state -- please write one to your local newspapers today. It's very easy to do using our handy contact tool.

And now, you can use this new link to send the letter tool to friends, family, neighbors -- whomever you think might also be interested in sending a letter telling local newspapers that using AP feed to launder pre-fabricated GOP talking points is not acceptable and not news. And you are not willing to simply look the other way.

A number of our readers have already contacted us to say their Letters to the Editor are being published this week. Fantastic job! If you've already written letters, please check the contact tool to see if perhaps you missed a local paper or two. Every letter counts!

We've tried to come up with ways to make this as easy and user-friendly as possible for you to take action. All it requires of you is to act. The time to stand up for better reporting -- and accountability when it is done badly -- is now. Please write...today!

Make your voice heard. It matters.

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