Making A Killing
After Helmets Were Found Faulty - DoD Awards Co Another $74 Million Contract And "the company can assert sovereign immunity in any private lawsuits
After Helmets Were Found Faulty - DoD Awards Co Another $74 Million Contract
J Street's Te-Ping Chen:
Last December, after secret tapes revealed the North Dakota Sioux Manufacturing Company charged with producing helmets for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan had knowingly delivered some 2.2 million helmets made with substandard weave, the Defense Department wasn't fazed by the controversy. Rather, 12 days before the pending Justice Department lawsuit was settled (with a $2-million slap on the wrist), the DOD issued another contract to the Sioux Manufacturing Company worth up to $74 million. and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington launched a campaign for Congressional inquiry into the contract ... (read on)