Meet The Press: Matalin Blames Liberal Media For U.S. Economic Woes
The usual round table got together this morning on Meet The Press and as usual, GOP shill, Mary Matalin, was spewing forth her talking points, facts
The usual round table got together this morning on Meet The Press and as usual, GOP shill, Mary Matalin, was spewing forth her talking points, facts be damned. Forecasts for the U.S. economy look dim, and host Tim Russert puts up poll number showing 83% of Americans think the economy is in bad shape -- but according to Lady McCheney, people really aren't worried about their personal finances, it's the evil liberal media that's giving them the perception that the economy is tanking.
Matalin: "Well, there's an element of cognitive dissonance there because if you ask them how their own personal finances are going, those numbers completely switch. Yes, he's looking around. Those numbers are completely true. They absolutely switch on their own personal finances."
Shrum: "I think most people are getting very insecure about their personal finances."
Matalin: "That's because they're berated with these numbers. "
James Carville jumps in immediately and debunks everything she says, but Tim Russert does absolutely nothing to counter her spin and like most of the media, allows the right wing lies and distortions to go unchallenged. Bob Shrum finishes strong in this segment, but as soon as he starts going after McCain's admitted ignorance of the economy everyone jumps in and Russert cuts it off. Now there's a surprise...