Hannity & Colmes: Are You Ready For The M&M Ticket?
Karl Rove, that all-knowing Bush's Brain, appeared on last night's Hannity & Colmes to tout his unbeatable GOP ticket for the presidential elect
Karl Rove, that all-knowing Bush's Brain, appeared on last night's Hannity & Colmes to tout his unbeatable GOP ticket for the presidential election: McCain/Romney, or the "M&M ticket". Nice. Besides putting in mind slightly creepy visions of little round candies with Romney's hair, can you imagine the two guys who couldn't call each other"liberal" often enough together? From NewsMax (click on the link if you want to give them hits, relevant portion below):
According to Novak, Rove and other GOP bigwigs want Romney in the No. 2 spot despite the bad blood that exists between the former Massachusetts governor and McCain, an enmity that grew out of their heated rivalry during the Republican presidential primaries.
Insiders say that having Romney, who is worth between an estimated $190 million to $250 million, would bring an infusion of big bucks into the cash-strapped McCain campaign. Moreover, conservatives unhappy with McCain (like author Ann Coulter) who are threatening to vote for the Democratic candidate say they'll back McCain if he picks Romney.
So the talking heads who couldn't influence the voters into voting for the most conservative candidates wants to force the candidate they're stuck with a guy he can't stand as VP? The whole country is recognizing that conservatives have not done well in governing and are moving to the left and Turdblossom is trying to force them to the right again? Why is this guy considered a political genius? Master of dirty tricks and propaganda, maybe, but if the polls are to be believed, Rove is trying to steer the GOP right into the iceberg.
And just when you think things can't be more absurd, Rove butters up the huge raging ego of host Sean Hannity by floating the notion of a McCain / Hannity ticket. Got to give Colmes credit for not getting sick right then and there.