Limbaugh Later Apologizes For Caller Who Compares Obama To Curious George

(click for larger) ABC News: ABC News' Tahman Bradley Reports: Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh issued an on-air apology to Sen. Barack Ob

(click for larger) ABC News:

ABC News' Tahman Bradley Reports: Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh issued an on-air apology to Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., today after a caller said her daughter thought the Democratic presidential frontrunner looked like the cartoon character Curious George, a monkey.

Limbaugh, who laughed at the caller's comments, later apologized explaining he didn't know anything about Curious George. Read on...


Limbaugh apologized -- do you buy it?

"So I wish to apologize to both Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain. It was not my intent to bring dishonor and guttural utterances into this campaign. It happened. I laughed about it. It was a 12 year old kid's reaction to Obama, it was told by his mother. I was laughing because I was being polite, but I had never heard of Curious George."

Um, Rush? You might not know about a cartoon character that's been around since 1941, but your listeners do. Some of your callers even use that character to make veiled racist comments about Obama, and your call screeners put them on the air with you. But it was a nice apology coming from the man who aired a satirical "comedy" bit entitled Barack The Magic Negro. Here's the deal, Rush: your caller and your screening staff knew exactly what they were saying and thought it was "cute." Cartoon above by Stuart Carlson at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

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