Finagling On FISA?

Beautiful agitprop/freeway blogging from The Billboard Liberation Front. That's right, kids, it's not a photoshop. What's up with this "compromise"

Beautiful agitprop/freeway blogging from The Billboard Liberation Front. That's right, kids, it's not a photoshop.

What's up with this "compromise" on FISA? The Senate has split it into two equally bad bills, one of which includes Telecom Immunity. ACLU:

With a House vote on domestic spy legislation rumored to occur within days, there are reports of a plan to split the two titles of the terrible bill passed by the Senate that gutted the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The Senate bill contains almost no Fourth Amendment protections in its Title I, and its Title II contains immunity for telecommunications companies that illegally aided the president’s warrantlesss wiretapping program.

ACLU also has a letter to congressional leaders re FISA, that you can send online here. They also have radio spots they'll be airing in markets where they think it will make a difference.

How can the Senate even consider a bill which leads to further deterioration of privacy rights when they found out just this morning that "the FBI improperly used national security letters in 2006 to obtain personal data on Americans"? Wired's Ryan Singel has more...

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