FOXNews Sunday: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Rejects Brit Hume's Framing

I'm not a fan of Democrats appearing on FOXNews. I think it legitimizes a propaganda outlet stacked against Democrats and allows them to frame the i

I'm not a fan of Democrats appearing on FOXNews. I think it legitimizes a propaganda outlet stacked against Democrats and allows them to frame the issues. However, if Democrats who agree to appear on FOX do what Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida does here, then more power to them. Brit Hume desperately wants to paint the jam the Florida delegates are in as the fault of Florida State Legislature, despite the fact that it was really pushed by the Republican-led majority. So Hume tries to paint Wasserman-Schultz into a corner and she brooks no quarter from him and refuses to let him control the framing. Go Debbie!

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DWS: Well, I think when you’re talking about fairness, we have to remember this was started by the Republican-led legislature here, that actually set the date of our primary. So the victims here in all of…in the decision by the DNC to strip us of our delegates are Democratic voters in the state of Florida.

BH: Can I stop you there…just let me stop you there for a second, if I can.

DWS: Sure

BH: In the Florida state senate, who introduced the bill to move the primary forward?

DWS: The bill was introduced by a Democratic member, a new Democratic member of the state senate…

BH: And, and, and in the legislature, in the legislature, Senate and House as well, how many Democrats voted against it?

DWS: No, well, that’s an inappropriate line of questioning, Brit, because…

BH: But wait a minute, inappropriate or not, could you just answer it, answer the question?

DWS: Can I answer your question?

BH: Yeah, how many?

DWS: I would like to answer your question without you asking me another one, if you don’t mind. The legislation that was originally sponsored was amended into an overall election package that included the major provision to ensure that we could have manual recounts and a paper trail. So this was a major election package that a change in the date of our primary was included in. So the vote total was unanimous, but that was because there was no one in the Florida legislature was going to vote against changing our voting system so that you could have a paper trail and make sure that every vote could be counted, unlike our touch screen voting system right now, which doesn’t allow for that. So to try to hang a unanimous vote on the fact that Democrats supported that, that’s misleading. They supported it because they certainly weren’t going to vote against making sure there was a paper trail in Florida.

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