Oklahoma State Rep. Goes On Anti-Gay Tirade

Pam's House Blend: Mother of god, this is horrible. We nominate to the patheon of homo hate Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (sallykern@okhouse.gov).

Pam's House Blend:

Mother of god, this is horrible. We nominate to the patheon of homo hate Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (sallykern@okhouse.gov). She didn't know that she was being recorded in a meeting, so we get the a nice insight about what she thinks of her gay and lesbian constituents. Perhaps she doesn't think she has any.

About 30 seconds into this homobigoted, fact-free, BS screed, Rep. Kern actually says how she doesn't hate gays (of course not!), then proceeds to continue on her tirade of filth.

I don't think you need to guess which party Kern belongs to. This is a woman who sits on the Education Committee in the OK legislature. She's also a member of Mother Schlafly's Eagle Forum. Read on...

While there's no profanity in this clip, this is some of the most offensive language you'll ever hear.

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