Hannity & Colmes: When Will The MSM Be Brave Enough To Cover Obama's Ties To "Controversial" Church?
C&L Contributer BillW sent this video on last night without comment and I had to watch it a few times just to fully soak in the utter cluelessne
C&L Contributer BillW sent this video on last night without comment and I had to watch it a few times just to fully soak in the utter cluelessness on the part of Sean Hannity without laughing. Apparently, Sean Hannity thinks that the mainstream media is not brave enough to look into the Barack Obama's ties to Trinity United Church of Christ and by some Hannitized six degrees of separation logic, his ties to Louis Farrakhan. Um, Sean? Aren't YOU part of the mainstream media? And on what do you base the assertion that it hasn't been covered? Oh that's right, facts have a liberal bias.
And to make matters worse, the church is raising questions with the IRS, because of how they’re campaigning for Obama at the pulpit. And we continue now with our panel. First of all, I will not let up on this issue, Jeanine Pirro, if his pastor went to Libya, Tripoli, with Louis Farrakhan, a virulent anti-Semitic racist. His pas…his church gave a lifetime achievement award to Louis Farrakhan. That’s been Barack Obama’s past for twenty years. And we will continue to expose this until someone in the mainstream media has the courage to take this on.
I assume by his brave stance--speaking out against the spineless MSM--that Hannity will be doing similar segments denouncing Hagee and Parsley, who have been openly endorsing John McCain, right?