Hannity & Colmes: Bringing On The Right Wingers To Lose It Over Obama & Rev. Wright

Despite the fact that Billo says he's the only guy out there courageous enough (*cough, cough*) to talk about Barack Obama's relationship with Trini

Despite the fact that Billo says he's the only guy out there courageous enough (*cough, cough*) to talk about Barack Obama's relationship with Trinity UCC's Rev. Jeremiah Wright, there wasn't much else of discussion on Hannity & Colmes on Friday night. In fact, I'd say that the outrage was proportionate to the number of wingnuts brought on to discuss it. Nevertheless, co-host Alan Colmes and Democratic strategist Bob Beckell manage to inject some semblance of sanity to the predictions of the end of Obama's chance for the White House. C&L contributer Heather made this mash up of Friday's show.

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It's amazing to me that people responsible for injecting so much hate into the national dialogue have their knickers in a twist over some isolated statements by Rev. Wright, who while admittedly inflammatory in his framing, is not factually wrong in what he said, and certainly not more hate-filled than Jesus Camp. Does Hannity, Fleischer, Morgan & Co. think that they have market cornered on hate and just fear the competition?

Note that not one of those right wingers outraged--outraged, I tell you!--addresses that Obama has disavowed what Rev. Wright has said nor that just as inflammatory and intolerant rhetoric has come out of the mouths of Revs. Rod Parsley and John Hagee, whose endorsements John McCain has actively sought without feeling it necessary to distance himself from their more extreme statements. Actually, very little by way of sanity is even part of the discussion, this is, after all, FOX News.

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