Al Franken Talks Politics With David Letterman

..and throws in some jokes, of course. (part 2 here) Franken's opponent, staunch Bush-ally Norm Coleman, is already on the offensive against Frank

..and throws in some jokes, of course.

(part 2 here)

Franken's opponent, staunch Bush-ally Norm Coleman, is already on the offensive against Franken, drawing on his past as a satirist to argue that he is unfit to be a Senator. Seems to me that someone who votes with Bush 86% of the time is unfit for anything, let alone one of the nation's highest offices. I guess it will be up to the good people of Minnesota to decide that.

We're proud to have Al as one of our ActBlue candidates. Feel free to fill the coffers if you can. How nice would it be to replace a steadfast Bush loyalist with a true progressive, running on a platform of ending the war in Iraq and providing universal health care? Sounds pretty good to me.

For more on the race, check out MNpublius, who does a great job of tracking Minnesota politics.

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