Michelle Bachman Is One Crazy Person

I try pretty hard to not be judgmental and to try to look at things from different perspectives to understand where a person is coming from. I've trie

I try pretty hard to not be judgmental and to try to look at things from different perspectives to understand where a person is coming from. I've tried that with Michelle Bachman (R-MN06) too, but I'm sorry, she's just nuts. There's no two ways about it. Keep in mind that this is the same person who couldn't keep her paws off Bush after the State of the Union last year. And then there was her statement that Americans like working two jobs. Maybe that should have tipped me off.

But Bachman is not done speaking out and MN Publius has the highlights:

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann just put a face and a name to the GOP base’s unhappiness with the Republican nominee for President. Referring to John McCain, Bachmann told the West Sherburne Tribune:

“He is not my man,” she said. “Our candidate was chosen by the media. But there are other races out there.” [..]

Uh no, Bachman, he was chosen by the voters, despite the right wing media talking him down. However, it is true the MSM loves them some McCain. But since there's nary an original thought in your head, I'd have thought you'd be good with McSame, seeing as he's running as Bush 2.0.

On global warming:

“The big thing we are working on now is the global warming hoax. It’s all voodoo, nonsense, hokum, a hoax,” Bachmann said.

And on Iraq:

“What our service men and women have accomplished over there has been nothing short of astounding,” she said “Though you never hear about it in the media. God has not abandoned us.

But wait, there's more. Earlier this week, Bachman wrote an op-ed for the Star-Tribune blaming the Democrats for standing in the way of American safety. Why? For not passing the PAA with telecom immunity, of course.

Bob Olson is Bachman's Democratic challenger for the MN06. Bachman's war chest is significantly higher than Olson's, so if you can help, wouldn't it be a blessing to flip this seat to a Democrat?

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