The Chris Matthews Show: Andrew Sullivan Calls Rumsfeld, Addington & Yoo War Criminals
[media id=4825] [media id=4826] (ht Heather) Every week on The Chris Matthews Show, Matthews has a segment where he asks his panel of pundits to "T
Every week on The Chris Matthews Show, Matthews has a segment where he asks his panel of pundits to "Tell Me Something I Don't Know." This week, Andrew Sullivan of The Atlantic spoke as bluntly as any talking head has done since Bush/Cheney took office:
The latest revelations on the torture front show—the memo from John Yoo—as well as revelations from Phillippe Sands’ book, mean that Donald Rumsfeld, David Addington and John Yoo should not leave the United States any time soon. They will be at some point indicted for war crimes. They deserve to be.
Damn straight. Phillippe Sands has an article in this month's Vanity Fair highlighting aspects of his book, which comes out next month.