60 Minutes: Gov. Siegelman Challenges Rove To Testify Under Oath

There's a reason why programs like "60 Minutes" win Peabody Awards. Less than 2 months after airing a story exposing the politically motivated convic

There's a reason why programs like "60 Minutes" win Peabody Awards. Less than 2 months after airing a story exposing the politically motivated conviction of former Democratic Governor Don Siegelman -- yes, we now have political prisoners in this country -- Scott Pelley sits down with a newly-released Siegelman, who has some serious questions he wants Karl Rove to answer under oath before the Judiciary Committee.

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"What we need is Karl Rove to get himself over to the Judiciary Committee and put his hand on a Bible and take an oath and give testimony. And he can either tell the truth or take the Fifth. Either one will satisfy me."

Many of us in the blogosphere were relentless in covering this case. We should all be proud of ourselves. Something tells me the Judiciary Committee is gonna have a hard time getting Turd Blossom's hand on that Bible.

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