Countdown: Former NSA Director Picks Apart Petraeus, Crocker Propaganda
C&L has been covering today's testimony from General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker on Capitol Hill about the progress in Iraq. As a
C&L has been covering today's testimony from General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker on Capitol Hill about the progress in Iraq. As always, the best analysis of the day comes from Keith Olbermann on Countdown.
Keith spoke with former Director of the NSA retired Lt. General William Odom, who says that Petraeus & Crocker's testimony did little more than confirm what he has believed all along -- that the situation in Iraq is actually worse than is being reported. Odom praised members of the Senate who finally pushed back hard against the Bush/McCain surge propaganda, but scorned the media for failing to report the realities in Iraq.
Odom:"The major media in this country have also, I think, failed to report a lot about what's going in Iraq. True, there have been drops in violence, but they didn't look at what the consequences of that were, and they didn't look at the politics of that. If they had looked at the politics they'd see more fragmentation, a weaker government and a much more hopeless situation than a year ago."