Mike's Blog Roundup
All Spin Zone: John "Doubletalk" McCain fails the political courage test. Collateral News: Remote controlled bugs are the Pentagon's latest attempt t
All Spin Zone: John "Doubletalk" McCain fails the political courage test.
Collateral News: Remote controlled bugs are the Pentagon's latest attempt to spy on terrorists. Wait a few years and this new technology called 'Hybrid Insect Mems' or 'Hi-Mems' will be in the hands of domestic law enforcement flying around your living room.
The Strange Death of Liberal America: In March the Pentagon released a report that included some alarming findings on the rate of suicide among American troops in Iraq.
Elizabeth de la Vega: Bush's OSHA: No laws, no crimes
TBogg: Put your hand in the puppet head
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Six Pulitzers for WaPo, two for ex-LATers and a triumph for investigations...Richard Cohen has a race problem...Mad Kane's advice for biased journos and bloggers...Russert plays Altoona...Greenspan and our business media ignored reality...The Seattle Times discovers poor people ...Get ready for Round 2 in the Internet's Battle Royale of 2008...Reporter Eric Lichtblau on the WH efforts to kill the NYT's '04 warrantless wiretapping story...Chris Matthews Sucks!...New media: a lot like the old media...As Gitmo trials near, the Pentagon limits what can be reported...