Laura Ingraham Soothes BillO's Tortured Soul

A noted philosophe on all things gender related, (remember when she called Brett Favre "a woman" for tearing up at his retirement announcement?) Laur

A noted philosophe on all things gender related, (remember when she called Brett Favre "a woman" for tearing up at his retirement announcement?) Laura Ingraham was drafted onto the O'Reilly Factor to explain the Elton John thing to the confused host. Poor BillO apparently needed reassurance from Laura Ingraham that misogyny in America is, um, all in Elton John's head?

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BillO: You're a woman who's competing in a difficult industry, a very competitive industry...
Laura: Sure.
BillO: ...do you think we're, uh, a misogynistic society, here?
Laura: (smiling) Uh, no I don't Bill, you know, I think men and women are different, we have different challenges, and uh, so forth.
Bill O: And you haven't been, uh, held back because of your gender, because talk radio is dominated by idiots like me, white guys.

Hmm, why doesn't Laura bring up that conservative talk radio is dominated by not only the settled-out-of-court sexual harasser hosting her, but another idiotic white guy, Limbaugh, who is an alleged sex tourist and noted Viagra smuggler? And misogyny? Who's taking her to task on The Factor about her own stupid, misogynistic comments? What, she's blinded by O'Reilly's charming masculinity? Really.

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