President Bush To Give Major Speech On Global Warming - Not!

President Bush is counting the minutes until he leaves office and as he goes, he's leaving a trail of huge messes he's made during his disastrous re

President Bush is counting the minutes until he leaves office and as he goes, he's leaving a trail of huge messes he's made during his disastrous reign. He's leaving behind two failing military conflicts and a broken military, a tanking economy and housing market, more Americans on food stamps, without health care and his feckless environmental policies have set us back decades in the fight against global warming.

Bush is scheduled to give a Rose Garden speech on global warming Wednesday in which he's expected to lay out his plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. On the surface, this seems like a step in the right direction, right? Not so much:


Could it be? Could the Bush administration, as the Associated Press and many other news outlets have now reported, really be turning over a new leaf and contemplating taking up "new climate change proposals" to avoid a coming "train wreck" of new regulations? Here's how the AP reported on a news conference held by White House press secretary Dana Perino in which the tentative discussions were addressed:

"At the meeting, White House officials outlined a range of options that were being considered, from simply proposing a set of "principles" to proposing to cap greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, according to two individuals familiar with the discussions. Read on...

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