Mike's Blog Roundup

Bill Ayers: Turns out the "unrepentant terrorist" that Sean Hannity, the hacks at ABC, and other GOP shills, are so obsessed with, has a blog. The Cu

Bill Ayers: Turns out the "unrepentant terrorist" that Sean Hannity, the hacks at ABC, and other GOP shills, are so obsessed with, has a blog.

The Curious Capitalist: So, uh, when did Charles Gibson turn into a supply-side nut job?

Fafblog! Another edition of BARACK OBAMA: THE FINAL THROES

Of Two Minds: Hilarious music graphs (h/t apostropher)

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Bill Moyers says that journalism's mission is to uncover the news that powerful people would prefer to keep hidden. Now somebody tell these guys and these guys...Tim Robbins' no-holds-barred keynote address to the National Association of Broadcasters...Proof of hackery is David Brooks' approval, and James Fallows contempt...The very annoying Washington Post...When the Wall Street Journal puts a "Nude Miss Subways" on page 6...Penetrating analysis...The stupid burns...Torture news strike

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