C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Mussorgsky

One of my favorite writers of all times is Dostoevsky and everyone always used to tell me that to love Dostoevsky's books automatically meant I would

One of my favorite writers of all times is Dostoevsky and everyone always used to tell me that to love Dostoevsky's books automatically meant I would love Mussorgsky's music as well. It took me a long time but I eventually at least understood what they meant. They are both Russian nationalists whose work examines-- brilliantly examines-- people who might be termed "roadkill" in contemporary art. Mussorgsky died at 42 years old (in 1881), the piano suite Pictures at an Exhibition being one of his last great works-- and his most famous. It is literally a "Remembrance of Viktor Hartmann," a celebration in 10 piano pieces of his friend's paintings, Hartmann having died the year before it was composed, 1873. This is the last of the ten pieces, "The Great Gate of Kiev."

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