Mike's Blog Roundup

Economist's View: Thomas Frank on the culture war The Daily Banter: Middle East and North Africa update. Attackerman: 'Bring 'em on," redux Suburba

Economist's View: Thomas Frank on the culture war

The Daily Banter: Middle East and North Africa update.

Attackerman: 'Bring 'em on," redux

Suburban Guerrilla: Politics makes for strange bedfellows

HOLY CRAP: Bill Moyers talks to Martha Nussbaum about her newest book and her views on the church and state debate..Jesus Junk...God endorsed the Holocaust says Bush pal...Persecution complexes...The FundamentaList...The real expulsions...Scientology is under attack from a faceless cabal of online activists...Prosecuting Polygamy ...Heaven is not the end of the world...Man kicked off plane for refusing to interrupt prayers and sit down for takeoff..Moon, Money and Messiah

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