Mike's Blog Roundup

Ken Silverstein: Jimmy Carter, Hamas, and the media. Welp, I've seen the results of the BUSHCO plan, and I'm not that f*cking impressed. TBogg: Hard

Ken Silverstein: Jimmy Carter, Hamas, and the media. Welp, I've seen the results of the BUSHCO plan, and I'm not that f*cking impressed.

TBogg: Hard on the heels of fingergate, Obama now wants to eat his breakfast! Were Americans a lot smarter in 1960, or is today's press corps just a helluva lot dumber?

Informed Comment: BUSHCO pushed torture behind Joint Chiefs Myers' back

A Tiny Revolution: Ho Hum...more government lies being swallowed by America's incredibly liberal media.

The Rude Pundit: John McCain is a total d*ck

Concurring Opinions: Looks like policy at the EPA is being made on the basis of views held by less than 1/12 of the population.

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