Double Talk Express: The Parsley/Hagee Problem & Exploiting Campaign Finance Loopholes

On Countdown Tuesday, Keith and Rachel dissected two of McCain's major potential liabilities: his own "radical" pastors and the many examples that th

On Countdown Tuesday, Keith and Rachel dissected two of McCain's major potential liabilities: his own "radical" pastors and the many examples that threaten his image as the Honorable Campaign Finance Reform Champion.

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"He's such a maverick he not only doesn't play by other people's rules, he doesn't even play by his own rules."

Despite his horrendous showing at the ABC debate, I'm grateful Stephanopoulos finally broke the media silence and confronted McCain on his Hagee problem last weekend. When will the rest of the mainstream press wake up and realize that religious leaders on the right have been saying controversial stuff for years?

When will they also realize that the Maverick they fell in love with has left the building? Saint McCain once championed strict campaign finance rules. Now he exploits (and even violates) his own signature legislation. The man who once stood as the moral arbiter on torture now remains silent as his own legislation gets used to torture people. He was for the Bush tax cuts before he was against them. Agent of intolerance to commencement speaker. "Bring em all home" to "100 years is fine with me."

Are there any defining attributes John McCain won't sacrifice to appease the lunatic fringe and become President? More importantly, is there any way to get the press to cover this?

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